Journey Around the World: Munich

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Fortunately, Munich is a nice place coz i will be there for my Student Exchange Programme(SEP) at Technical University of Munich(TUM) . However, the chemistry department was pretty much a disappointment coz the buildings and labs are all very run down! The city is very happening and we were lucky to be there at the right time as we managed to catch an open-air concert(free) by some very talented band,which was doing a trip around Europe(i think) to raise funds for the less fortunate kids in developing countries. We bumped into them again when we were at Bonn! What a coincidence=)

Some random shots.

Schloss(Castle) Nymphenburg

The Castle was gigantic with a huge garden behind.

Here are some pictures of the interior. The interior of different castles start to look alike after having seen a few.

Olympia Stadium

The stadium was a nice place with heaps of grass land for us to slack! We had a picnic there=)

Bier Garden (Hofbräu München)

Beer Gardens are a common sight in Germany, "Oh.. I wonder why..Maybe its their favourite passtime=)". It is quite a nice place to slack, stone and talk=) The huge mug of beer that Zec/Keng Moh/Elmo lalala is holding was shared by the 6 of us. It was quite nice coz it is half beer and half lemonade=) I sometimes wonder how German consume the sheer amount of beer that is in one mug!


Here's another castle that looks abandoned. We only toured the compound surronding the castle. Saw come tombs at the backyard and I tried to translate what was engraved on the tomb with my limited German and Xin's pocket Dictionary! It says," The mind of the troop is her strength". I should get a pocket Dict before i leave-pretty handy=)

Technical University of Munich(TUM)

This "toy" is super cool! It is situated in the middle of the Mathematics department(if I did not remember wrongly) at TUM. I have not tried it yet! I chickened out.. haha.. MIGHT try it when I go there for my exchange=)

Intructions for usage:1)Grab a mat/carpet provided 2)Conquere the flight of stairs and get to the 4th storey 3)Be/act brave 4)Slide down the tunnel 5)Scream if needed

Home stadium to Bayern


Englisches Garten(Schwabing)

Pretty pillars=)

A typical garden(HUGE). Roll, lie or sleep on the grass as you wish=) Celebrated Shankar's bdae here with cakes=) Happy Bdae Shan! We love you!

Chilled out at Paulaner München after the park. I ordered Peach Connection(Top left). It was very nice and fruity=) The black looking drink is Jägermeister! Suppose to drink it with Red Bull. The alcohol percentage was crazy-40 plus % I think.

Typical German food-sausages! Quite sick of it... abstaining from them!

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