Journey Around the World: Berlin-Complicated city

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Berlin-Complicated city

Berlin along the Spree river and the TV tower at night. Berlin is an interesting and HUGE city, approximately the size of Singapore, compared to other cities in Germany. I personally prefer staying in a smaller city/town... cosier=)

Berliner Dom is the largest cathedral in the city. Nice eh! During World War II, the building was bombed and severely damaged. The restoration of the interior begun in 1984 and in 1993 the church reopened in an event attended by Chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl. During reconstruction, the organ was fully restored, although the building's original design was modified into a simpler, shorter form.

The railway Station at Berlin. Glassy, Classy, Spacious, Criss-crossing railway lines elevated in mid air.

Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche was damaged during World War II and was later restored. 6 bells hang in the new tower cast in bronze. A double shell is a characteristic element of the new church. Both walls are constructed to the same pattern: prefabricated concrete pieces fitted to a steel framework. The honeycomb-like tracery is combined with stained glass.

Charlie Checkpoint: border of East and West Germany. Tourists could now pay (2 Euros i think) for a variety of stamps in their passports.

Berlin wall with graffitti!

We saw "NUS:National University of Singapore" on the wall! We were not the culpirt=)

Suppressed! Deprived! Freedom!

Cartoon looking graffitti=) Look at the thick succulent lips! *Muackzzzz*

Artist Zec drew a duplicate for me upon my request=) He did a good job, especially the lips!

Pinocchio is a fictional character carved from a piece of pine by a woodcarver in a small Italian village. He was created as a wooden puppet, but dreamt of becoming a real boy. Tsk tsk... His nose reflects the number of lies he told!

The Brandenburg Gate (German: Brandenburger Tor) is a former city gate and one of the main symbols of Berlin. It is the only remaining gate of a series through which one formerly entered Berlin. The gate is the monumental entry to Unter den Linden, the renowned boulevard of linden trees which formerly led directly to the city palace of the Prussian monarchs. It was commissioned by Friedrich Wilhelm II as a sign of peace.

Another dose of soccer, Portugal vs Germany , 1:3!

After the victory against Portugal, hell broke lose in Berlin! Unbelieveable! The berliners went crazy! We had to cross this street to get back to hostel. Smashing of bottles and occasionally, fireworks went off! It would have been scarier if i were walking all alone without shan, zec, nat, xin and funman! Back at hostel, we peer out of our windows, looking at them go crazy- flodding the streets, blocking cars, shaking cars as they inched their way past the crowd, some people even climbed onto the cars' roofs! Insane! I cant understand how their brain works! =) Haha.. Interesting from far.. Intimidating from near!

On our way to the airport at Munich! A picture with the bus that we have been travelling with for the past 20days =)

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