Journey Around the World: Thank you Mike!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thank you Mike!

Walking home from work was nice. Met Mike in the bus and something we talked about meant alot to me.

Mike: What are you gonna do with Chemistry?
Xiuz: I am gonna be a teacher. Chemistry teacher. Hopefully at A'Levels.
Mike: Wow! You will so a good job as a teacher!
Xiuz: I sense sarcaism =)
Mike: No I am serious. You are so enthusiastic and full of energy. You will be so cheerful on mondays and all the kids will enjoy ya lessons. You will make lessons interesting and you will teach well.

It was very nice. It meant alot to me Mike! Thanks. I appreciate such encouragements better especially after meeting people with discouraging remarks like:

"What are doing here with an Internship with Bayer?"

"You are gonna stop with an Honors? If you want to contribute to science you need a pHD! An Honors will only get you a technician job."

I agree PHD is impt for research but who said that EVERYONE who does chemistry wanna do research!

Teaching is the path for me. Absolutely sure.

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