Journey Around the World: Wieder ein schöner Tag

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wieder ein schöner Tag

Heute war es wieder ein schöner Tag. Ich hab mit Prof Hugl und seine Frau zum Mittagessen getroffen und wir haben viel gesprochen. Es war sehr angenehm, besonders mit Kaffee am Ende. Wir haben fast die ganze Zeit auf Deutsch gesprochen. Ich könnte fast alles verstehen, aber ich habe gemerkt, dass mein Deutsch schlechter geworden ist. Tja.. Wir haben über das Studiumsystem gesprochen, Prof Hugls neues traumhaftes Fachwerkhaus, viel über ihre Kinder, mein kleines Schokoladebrünnen Geschäft usw...

I solved one of the biggest mystery today! 1 or 2 years ago, a guy named Paul Hugl wrote a message on my blog, saying something along these lines, "It is interesting to read about the things that you wrote from another perspective (as a foreigner/stranger i guess)." I was puzzled and did not understand what he was talking about~ I thought that he was referring to the stuff that I wrote about my travels in Germany and Europe. I assumed that he was Prof Hugl's son coz I dont know anyone else with the Family name "Hugl".

Bbbbuuuttt...... how did he get to my blog?! I did not give him my blog address and I only spoke to him once over dinner/lunch and that was it. Strange strange.

Today I explained the whole incident to Prof Hugl and his wife and it was hilarious. They chanced upon my blog when the kids (probably one of the 6) googled their parents' names! (Btw you get quite alot of hits when you google Prof Hebert Hugl!) Apparently, they chanced upon my blog because I wrote a post about my experience at their place:

It was embarrassing to a tiny extent coz I couldnt remember if I wrote anything bad or impolite unintentionally (even though there was really nothing bad about the whole trip that I could think off.. but still... ). They said that the post was very sweet because I wrote about how Prof Hugl was a Gentleman towards his wife in many ways! Re-reading the post again today brought back many fond memories=)

Hopefully I will get a chance in this life to see their beautiful newly bought house near Bremen and Hannover that is 300 years old(Fachwerkhaus), near a river with very nice scenery, surrounding and HUGE garden. I wont mind helping out in the garden on the tractor=) It sounds like a great place just from the description.. Something that you can never buy in Singapore coz hses are TOO expensive in Singapore.

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