Journey Around the World: A traumatizing chapter closed

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A traumatizing chapter closed

1)How does it feel like working with someone from an events company who sets an appointment to do the return more than 10times but fail to appear/meet them without informing you and you have it find it out yourself when you call her after your agreed appointment time and finds out that she is ALWAYS caught in a jam and will be late for her next event and she is not coming. Next appointment? Unsure? She never apologises despite the fact that the rental is overdue, despite the fact that she keeps changing and canceling the appointment.

When it happens once, her mum was sick- I tried to understand but she was really rude.
Ring ring, " My mum is sick. She is more important. I will return tml." That was how the conversation went.

When it happens twice, "I am caught in a jam and will be late for the event. I will return tomorrow."

When it happens again, " I can come down now." Me:"Yupz sure. In 30 min?" she hesitates and change the topic.

This went on for many times. It was pushing the limits but she doesnt think it is wrong because it is not stated BLACK AND WHITE in the invoice. I felt that it went beyond an invoice. It went beyond how one should carry himself and adhere to the many appointments that ONE sets for him/herself.

2)Last Chance for her:
Return tomorrow(3days after the rental was due),or the rental set is for you to keep and I will confiscate the deposit. She refused but I sent the following email since she is such a B&W person:


As agreed over the phone made at 8:10pm on 13th April , the LATEST date for return of the Fountain Set is tomorrow, 14th April, at 10am at NUS Temasek Hall.

The rental set has been overdue since Sunday, 11th April. Should return not be done by the above stated date and time, the deposit will be confiscated and the fountain set is for you to keep.

Please kindly note that Terms and Conditions for Rental apply.

I sincerely seek your kind attention and cooperation.

3) I was totally traumatised. Broke down. Glad that Renfu and Nic was always there to help. I made a phone call to the company at ~10pm and managed to speak to a person of authority and everything took a turn for the better. Thanks Renfu for your Strudel.

4) I collected everything from her today and i was trembling all the way.. dunno why..

Tested chocolate melter and it did not work.. did not light up.. So i asked her to help.. she was "nice" and helped... She helped me packed and offered to carry everything (the plates, fountain, melter) to my room despite me saying, "You can leave now. I can manage on my own." I carried everything to the room all alone and it was not heavy at all... Fear makes one strong...

I din say anything to her all along and she said:

You called my boss yesterday. I said i called the office line and it got diverted to his phone.

She asked, "what did you say."

I was walking away and did not want to talk to her. I said, "I only said the truth."

She said, "that must have been powerful, coz you caused 2 women in the company to loss their job."

I walked away.

I was back in my room and am glad that all was over. Lesson learnt and Terms&Condition will be sent to every customer.

She tried calling me and i keep rejecting her call 5 times in 1 minute.. She messaged, "hey wanna ask for 420 pax, pls ans."

I messaged,"I am not doing this with you anymore, unless someone else from the company works with me or nth at all."

She replied, "got it. Thankz for your help. use camomile tea bag or chilled soup spoon to reduce the swollen eyes. Ok i get my boss to work you. Understand how you must be horrible. my apologies to caused you all the trouble."

I replied, " apology accepted. I was greatly traumatised."

My impression of this tall, pretty, long hair gal changed throughout the whole roller coaster experience. She was initially a nice, warm and great person to work with when I first saw her. And it took a drastic turn to someone who doesnt keep their own words/appointments, use B&W to threaten others, domineering, unreasonable to a certain extent-basically a nightmare to work with. And I am glad that I am not the only one who thinks so, especially after yesterdays incident. She was "alright and semi nice" again this morning. Am I just too trusting or is she changing too fast? Whatever it is, I am never gonna deal with her again even if it concerns a 1 million dollar Chocolate Fountain Business deal.

I think I really cant go against such simple life principles to accommodate someone like this. I choose nth at all. Because I am happier that way.

I became very skeptical about the next few customers who called regarding fountain on the same day. I was paranoid and spoke about the Terms &Conditions over phone. I hated it for a while coz I doubted other people, which I dont usually do. I guess I usually trust them unless proven otherwise. We came up with a solution and decided to send all customers in the future an invoice with all the Terms&Conditions.

I always wanted to do biz the way I want it to-fun, trusting, enjoyable, help one another to make the event a great one. I will try to continue doing so just with additional measures in place to protect us from people like HER.

Emotions still engulfed me when I read through this posting for the 2nd time.

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