Journey Around the World: April 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Coffee Prince 咖啡王子

Coffee Prince stormed through "Taming Chaos" and Betten's module during the rough exam period with me faithfully, when all motivation to study was lost. Studying in the library got annoying and I just did not fit in there. Dramaing and learning simultaneously at regular intervals has proven to be the most effective learning method this sem. It amazes me to see how my preferred-learning environment changed over the years! Camping in libraries was no longer the best solution.

It was a relatively nice show=) It revolved around the setting up of a Coffee Prince cafe, which only hired guys. A tomboy-ish gal got mistaken as a boy and was hired at the cafe. Things got complicated when she and the boss of the shop fell in love. Eventually, it was revealed that she is a girl. This may sound silly but it is actually quite nice=)

The tomboy-ish gal (left) is the main character in the show, with a strong character and possessing a strong determination in life. Doesnt she just look amazing in reality(right)? The hair makes a HUGE difference!

Main Characters

This guy in the show has sharp features with high cheek bones. He attracted my attention.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

schwarzer Humor

1)Mann zum Busfahrer: "Können sie mir sagen, wie ich am schnellsten zum Friedhof komme?" - "Klar! Legen sie sich einfach vor meinen Bus!"

*Man says to the bus driver,"Could you kindly tell me how I get to the cemetery in the shortest time possible?" "Sure! Just stand right in front of the bus!" *

2)Abgetriebene Kinder sollen demnächst auch in die Stammbücher aufgenommen werden.
Unter welcher Rubrik?
Entfernte Verwandte...

* Aborted kids should be noted in the register in the future.
Under which Category?
Distant relatives...*

Super funny eh ;)

Last day at German Class

Unlimited Gummie Bears from Herr Doepel during our last session! Gelatine overdose ZZzzzZ...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

原来是美男 You're Beautiful

Completed another korean drama in 1.5 days. This drama kept me company and kept me awake preparing for CM 3262 exam this morning. =)

The Drama is awesome. It was about this gal who pretended to be her twin bro and joined this band AN Jell because the bro need to go overseas for something. The other 3 guys in the band gradually fell for her throughout her whole stay with them. The amazing thing is that this band actually came up with their own song album in real life and the songs are really good =) Thumbs up! Highly recommended=) I am really wondering how come I have not come across any good-looking korean guys in Singapore and when I was in korea. Are none of the actors/actress 100% natural? I can understand why meimei wanna learn korean to get to know some hot korean dude(even though her chances might be slim)! haha...

You can watch it for free at Tudou and download the WHOLE OST music from

I tried recommending it to my sis and she said that she watched the whole thing le and she was the one who gave me the link to get ALL the songs=)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The most important thing is to be true to yourself. "I dont live in fear, I am free. I have no secrets and I know that I will always be ok because no matter what, I know who I am.

Live life with integrity, honesty and compassion. Dont succumb to peer pressure and dont follow other people's path. Be yourself.

This is really good and funny too =)

~ Thanks M.S RF for sharing =)


Looking back at 8 Semesters of academia, there will be nothing I want to change and no better results I will ask for. I lived in the moment, enjoyed, made the best out of every bit I could and most importantly, lived my dreams. I did my best and came into contact with people be it friends or Professors who have shaped me in one way or another. I sought communications at the personal level and everything was brought to life. It felt real.

Thank you each and everyone of you for being part of my wonderful journey=)

~partly adapted from M.S.RF

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Profs must be hating me for giving extra work when they have to entertain me at consultations i guess. I must say that preparing for consultations does take up time, but the enlightenment after that can be quite rewarding. In lectures/tutorials, we hardly get a chance to speak to the prof at a personal level and I like the interactions that we have after class. Lessons and knowledge feels more real that way.

Professor Ryan Bettens and Dr. Max Coll are pretty nice people I must say. Today's consultation for "taming chaos'' was nice. Improved my understanding of the module and it was nice spending the 1st 15min talking to Max about coffee and italy =) He offered me coffee from his espressor machine and I gladly accepted the offer. Apparently, many students have rejected his coffee when he offered them.

Verona is my fav city in italy btw =) Venice is nice too =) Come to think of it, i saw quite alot of italy.. Milan, verona, venice, rome, bergamo, florence, pisa...

btw... xiuqing thinks that jon ma is quite thoughtful =)

here is a link for Nic: http://SHINE.YAHOO.COM
Got it from Jon man and you can try out some of the recipes=)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ate lunch with them at YIH Jap place. Was alright=)

My camera on my phone is gut eh! So proud of it. Im in love!

It is really true that gals say "No" to certain things when they wanna say "Yes" deep down inside them. I do not understand. Maybe because they are shy or maybe they feel insecure or maybe they want to be reassured. Such behaviors are dangerous. I havnt come across any guy who like such behaviors. I hope i dun belong to this grp. Please ask nic for verification ;) I am usually very straight forward one right? Stimmt das oder nicht=)

My arty farty hp wall paper=)

You know wad this resembles? You are my sunshine =) Thanks M.S RF =) haha

Post FYP gathering

A huge THANK YOU to all who came down on Sunday, especially those who arrived despite the storm=) Glad that you guys had fun. It was really nice having all of you at my place!
A big thank you to marcus again for bringing joy to everyone around through ya balloons as well as ya company of course;) Thank you everyone for bringing all the food...

It is a pity that such communal parties are not prevalent in our culture. It is very common in Germany . I have been to almost every single friend's place or hostel when i was in Germany. Maybe because it is more expensive to eat out in Germany so many people do it at home. Maybe the next time someone else can organise gathering and the rest can help yah;) any volunteers? =) Or can come my place again or ECP for BBQ=)

Hope that everyone will continue doing something they enjoy and find meaningful in life instead of plunging straight into a job that one dun like. Keep in contact yah! ~hugz~

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Strictly Sexual (2008)

In Los Angeles, the wealthy aspirant writer Donna and her best friend (also aspirant designer) Christi Ann are bored of relationships and decide to chase two escorts in a bar for one night stand. Meanwhile, the construction workers and best friends Stanny and Joe come from New York but do not find jobs in Los Angeles; without money, they decide to go to a fancy bar to drink and leave the place without paying the bill. Donna and Christi Ann meet Stanny and Joe and invite them home believing they are hustlers. After a night of sex, the women discover the misunderstanding and that the men are indeed unemployed workers. They offer them to stay in a tent near the swimming-pool with beer and food while they search for jobs; in return, they would be their "boy-toys" during the nights in a strictly sexual relationship. Along the following weeks, the couples become closer and change their feelings and behaviors with the development and growing of their relationships.

It is nice to see how one can start to grow onto someone else. Maybe that's how most relationships happens I guess...

Kristen Kerr has really good features!

Poster day!

Aint my Pomelo Poster pretty? =) haha..

Poster day went well! It felt like THE graduation ball. Everyone looked good and well dressed, all ready for the big day. The department catered food for us twice throughout the long day event. I remember Clement eating non-stop. The whole cohort mingled with one another and I also spoke to people whom I have never seen before and whose names that I never knew. Spoke to good friends like lileng, jos and aik heng, catching up on all the time that was stolen by the Monster named FYP. Coffee was good, chatting and chilling was even better=) I shared the joy of my pomelo flavored drinks with many people-some where excited, curious while other were skeptical. It turned out way better than expected. I was totally disappointed when I knew that I examiner was coming btw 9-12 and the other btw 2-5! That means I would be sitting around all day doing nothing. But time flies when talking, running around and reading my little prince book!

I am glad that Firmenich wants my poster and I do not put it to waste by hanging it in my room.. I have an extra copy anyway should I really want to show my kids what I did =)

Poster day felt very REAL for me! I felt in touch. Looking forward to sunday! I think we are kinda distant from reality for a period of time when we are forced to a certain extent to focus and focus on FYP and neglected some stuff unconsciously. It is the human touch and connection with people. For me at least. Let's go back to the old school days when we had fun together and chatting after lectures as we walk on to the next destination.....

Wieder ein schöner Tag

Heute war es wieder ein schöner Tag. Ich hab mit Prof Hugl und seine Frau zum Mittagessen getroffen und wir haben viel gesprochen. Es war sehr angenehm, besonders mit Kaffee am Ende. Wir haben fast die ganze Zeit auf Deutsch gesprochen. Ich könnte fast alles verstehen, aber ich habe gemerkt, dass mein Deutsch schlechter geworden ist. Tja.. Wir haben über das Studiumsystem gesprochen, Prof Hugls neues traumhaftes Fachwerkhaus, viel über ihre Kinder, mein kleines Schokoladebrünnen Geschäft usw...

I solved one of the biggest mystery today! 1 or 2 years ago, a guy named Paul Hugl wrote a message on my blog, saying something along these lines, "It is interesting to read about the things that you wrote from another perspective (as a foreigner/stranger i guess)." I was puzzled and did not understand what he was talking about~ I thought that he was referring to the stuff that I wrote about my travels in Germany and Europe. I assumed that he was Prof Hugl's son coz I dont know anyone else with the Family name "Hugl".

Bbbbuuuttt...... how did he get to my blog?! I did not give him my blog address and I only spoke to him once over dinner/lunch and that was it. Strange strange.

Today I explained the whole incident to Prof Hugl and his wife and it was hilarious. They chanced upon my blog when the kids (probably one of the 6) googled their parents' names! (Btw you get quite alot of hits when you google Prof Hebert Hugl!) Apparently, they chanced upon my blog because I wrote a post about my experience at their place:

It was embarrassing to a tiny extent coz I couldnt remember if I wrote anything bad or impolite unintentionally (even though there was really nothing bad about the whole trip that I could think off.. but still... ). They said that the post was very sweet because I wrote about how Prof Hugl was a Gentleman towards his wife in many ways! Re-reading the post again today brought back many fond memories=)

Hopefully I will get a chance in this life to see their beautiful newly bought house near Bremen and Hannover that is 300 years old(Fachwerkhaus), near a river with very nice scenery, surrounding and HUGE garden. I wont mind helping out in the garden on the tractor=) It sounds like a great place just from the description.. Something that you can never buy in Singapore coz hses are TOO expensive in Singapore.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A traumatizing chapter closed

1)How does it feel like working with someone from an events company who sets an appointment to do the return more than 10times but fail to appear/meet them without informing you and you have it find it out yourself when you call her after your agreed appointment time and finds out that she is ALWAYS caught in a jam and will be late for her next event and she is not coming. Next appointment? Unsure? She never apologises despite the fact that the rental is overdue, despite the fact that she keeps changing and canceling the appointment.

When it happens once, her mum was sick- I tried to understand but she was really rude.
Ring ring, " My mum is sick. She is more important. I will return tml." That was how the conversation went.

When it happens twice, "I am caught in a jam and will be late for the event. I will return tomorrow."

When it happens again, " I can come down now." Me:"Yupz sure. In 30 min?" she hesitates and change the topic.

This went on for many times. It was pushing the limits but she doesnt think it is wrong because it is not stated BLACK AND WHITE in the invoice. I felt that it went beyond an invoice. It went beyond how one should carry himself and adhere to the many appointments that ONE sets for him/herself.

2)Last Chance for her:
Return tomorrow(3days after the rental was due),or the rental set is for you to keep and I will confiscate the deposit. She refused but I sent the following email since she is such a B&W person:


As agreed over the phone made at 8:10pm on 13th April , the LATEST date for return of the Fountain Set is tomorrow, 14th April, at 10am at NUS Temasek Hall.

The rental set has been overdue since Sunday, 11th April. Should return not be done by the above stated date and time, the deposit will be confiscated and the fountain set is for you to keep.

Please kindly note that Terms and Conditions for Rental apply.

I sincerely seek your kind attention and cooperation.

3) I was totally traumatised. Broke down. Glad that Renfu and Nic was always there to help. I made a phone call to the company at ~10pm and managed to speak to a person of authority and everything took a turn for the better. Thanks Renfu for your Strudel.

4) I collected everything from her today and i was trembling all the way.. dunno why..

Tested chocolate melter and it did not work.. did not light up.. So i asked her to help.. she was "nice" and helped... She helped me packed and offered to carry everything (the plates, fountain, melter) to my room despite me saying, "You can leave now. I can manage on my own." I carried everything to the room all alone and it was not heavy at all... Fear makes one strong...

I din say anything to her all along and she said:

You called my boss yesterday. I said i called the office line and it got diverted to his phone.

She asked, "what did you say."

I was walking away and did not want to talk to her. I said, "I only said the truth."

She said, "that must have been powerful, coz you caused 2 women in the company to loss their job."

I walked away.

I was back in my room and am glad that all was over. Lesson learnt and Terms&Condition will be sent to every customer.

She tried calling me and i keep rejecting her call 5 times in 1 minute.. She messaged, "hey wanna ask for 420 pax, pls ans."

I messaged,"I am not doing this with you anymore, unless someone else from the company works with me or nth at all."

She replied, "got it. Thankz for your help. use camomile tea bag or chilled soup spoon to reduce the swollen eyes. Ok i get my boss to work you. Understand how you must be horrible. my apologies to caused you all the trouble."

I replied, " apology accepted. I was greatly traumatised."

My impression of this tall, pretty, long hair gal changed throughout the whole roller coaster experience. She was initially a nice, warm and great person to work with when I first saw her. And it took a drastic turn to someone who doesnt keep their own words/appointments, use B&W to threaten others, domineering, unreasonable to a certain extent-basically a nightmare to work with. And I am glad that I am not the only one who thinks so, especially after yesterdays incident. She was "alright and semi nice" again this morning. Am I just too trusting or is she changing too fast? Whatever it is, I am never gonna deal with her again even if it concerns a 1 million dollar Chocolate Fountain Business deal.

I think I really cant go against such simple life principles to accommodate someone like this. I choose nth at all. Because I am happier that way.

I became very skeptical about the next few customers who called regarding fountain on the same day. I was paranoid and spoke about the Terms &Conditions over phone. I hated it for a while coz I doubted other people, which I dont usually do. I guess I usually trust them unless proven otherwise. We came up with a solution and decided to send all customers in the future an invoice with all the Terms&Conditions.

I always wanted to do biz the way I want it to-fun, trusting, enjoyable, help one another to make the event a great one. I will try to continue doing so just with additional measures in place to protect us from people like HER.

Emotions still engulfed me when I read through this posting for the 2nd time.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hugz ALL the way from Germany =)

Always Ready

Hell week is gonna be over after Tuesday!! Cheers!!! Abstract submitted. Thesis deadline is over. Poster printed. Left Poster presentation and Betten's assignement. My 4 years of undergrad education at NUS(effectively 3 years in NUS and 1 year in Germany) is coming to an end. I am pretty excited about all that is gonna be happening after graduation. Apparently I will need to do paid school attachment before NIE in July and Aug! Will see how that fits in with YOG commitments =)

Here's another HK drama which I completed at a slower and steady rate; better time management btw studying and watching =) The show was good. helped me concentrate better throughout the show.

This show reminded me of daniel a few times. I guess it is the way the way the guy carried himself in outdoor/forest situations that resembled daniel in some ways. Nth bad=)

Looking forward to semi-graduation Chocolate Fountain gathering next week end! haha=)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Autumn's Concerto, Next Stop happiness

This was a reward for finishing my Final Year Project Thesis and poster! Finally. I am almost done with Uni and I can hardly believe it. Looking forward to going to live in Germany and visiting Nice, France! Just booked air tickets for Nice yesterday! Woohoo!

Autumn's Concerto's is pretty nice but it wasnt as impactful as "Down with Love"=) I had fun, finished watching 21 episode in 2.5 days? =) Quite effiicient eh!

Happiness and family are undoubtedly the most important in life. Treasure your love ones and tell them "I LOve you!".

Ren Guang Xi, a cocky law student, seems to lead the perfect life. He's the sole successor to a huge and famous business and a talented ice hockey player. But in reality, his lonely life lacks joy, laughter and motivation. That is until he meets Liang Mu Cheng, the new bento seller at his school canteen. Although orphaned at a young age, Mu Cheng does not let her past affect her and lives life with great passion and determination. A harmless bet brings the two together and Guang Xi slowly changes as Mu Cheng teaches him how to give and love. Tragedy strikes when Guang Xi suddenly has to go through a major brain surgery which causes him to lose his memory. His mother begs Mu Cheng to leave him and the latter has no choice but to do so. Little does she know that she already has Guang Xi's child.

Six years pass. Mu Cheng lives a quiet life with her young son in the countryside while Guang Xi is now a successful lawyer and is engaged to He Yi Qian, the kind and beautiful doctor who took care of him after his surgery. A strangely familiar piano piece stirs Guang Xi's heart as he struggles to recall his past romance with Mu Cheng. How will the couple make up for six years of lost time? Happiness, which stop do I alight at?