Journey Around the World: Poor Finger

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Poor Finger

I havnt been having great luck for a few weeks.. Fell once when I was running up the stairs when i missed a step and had bruises on my knee and elbow. When that recovered, I fell quite badly from my bicycle on my way to work, resulting in this huge finger of mine. When for X-ray and nothing was broken. Just a bad sprain. Took out the cast yesterday and there is still some bruises. But this may be a blessing in disguised coz through this accident of mine, I got to know more people at Bayer and got to see the nasty or nice side of some people=) I am very grateful to Katja and Moni (people who work in my lab) for their extensive help with my insurance and for bringing me to the doctors! Hugz=)

1 comment:

::tingyu:: said...

HAHAHAHA wrap until like that!!
finger already bui bui to start with... den wrap until like that! makes your other fingers look skinny man!! :P