Journey Around the World: Singapore My Home

Monday, September 29, 2008

Singapore My Home

Somehow I became MORE patriortic ever since I got to Germany. I was already quite pro- Singapore before i left not to mention. I guess, having travelled quite a fair bit and now that I am living in a foreign land, I see and come to appreciate alot of things that did not seem so significant in the past, especially about Singapore. This strong feeling of patriotisim became more evident as I was watching F1 on Sunday! May be i should attribute it to the successful Civics and Moral education or Social Studies in school? =)

Lileng fell asleep while watching and I can totally understand why coz they are racing in circles and it is kind of repetitive. But the fact that I am watching it overseas, and not having seen familiar sights of Singapore for a long time certainly made me very excited. I was sitting at the end of my chair, brimming with joy and excitment, feeling very proud of Singapore at the same time! I am serious.. I never knew that the night scenery, especially the aerial view, is so amazing and breadth-taking... Identifying the Esplanade, Sheares Bridge, Funan mall etc made me more excited!

Simon was also feeling quite excited as he watched the F1. I guess having lived in Singapore for 1 year has allowed him to appreciate the many aspects of Singapore. It was nice to hear him saying that Singapore is indeed a nice place to wrok and live and he wont mind doing that for sometime. As a Singaporean hearing that coming from a foreigner, I felt very proud of Singapore! Singapore is indeed a nice, safe place to live in! I wont mind working or living overseas for a long period of time, but at the end of the day, I will still come back to Singapore!

When I was in Ulm, Renate mentioned that they do study about Singapore in Politics or sth in school and I was quite amazed. She somehow said that Singapore is very developed, high-tech and all and all these came at a price-that our people are surpressed and we dont have a say etc... She was right and wrong and i did not know how to explain this especially when there are so many evidences that this and that are banned in Singapore etc and this set me thinking.

I asked Simon what he thought about this and it was nice to know that he, having been and lived in Singapore, says something different from Renate. I guess you need to experience this for yaself to understand what Singapore really is like. I guess our Government has a lot of say in everything, especially in the future developments of Singapore if you recall the whole commotion when the whole idea of having a Casino in Singapore was born. I did not remember us having to vote or anything, and we were just " informed" that we were going to have one. We definitely have a very different system and it is rather effective because we are small and we have seen good results from this sort of ruling, hence having confidence in the government. However, having said that, I must say that i never thought that this type of ruling is totally bad (most Europeans find this too supressing and restrictive). I still led a normal life, do what I want to do, not restricted in any way, blessed to be living in a safe and clean environment, knowing that rules and bans are in place for a reason and for the better good and benefit of everyone, people are taken care of, the interest of Singaporeans is always priority and that we are happy. Our "structured" system has proven to be effective for us as seen from the developments of the young nation and it amazes me now and then too... SOmetimes it is nice to know that riots are banned in Singapore coz soemtimes you see how much time and money is wasted on such stuff that will not solve anything. Hence, Singapore can channel resources to other areas and not waste them on mindless stuff...

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