Journey Around the World: Love across the Globe

Monday, September 8, 2008

Love across the Globe

A very big thank you to all at home who have contributed to the weight of this box and filled it to the brim with love! Hugz.. It was a very nice surprise even though I knew that the box was being sent. Thanks mummy and daddy for paying the postage! $105.70!

Thank edward and jie for the Coach wallet! It is very nice! Using such an expensive wallet makes me feel obliged to keep the wallet clean and to maintain it in tip top condition! Thanks for the double bdae present that I got for my 21st bdae- lonely planet germany and Coach wallet! Appreciate it!

Make a guess who are these spices and food stuff from? Yes! My mum!! I will never go hungry at this rate-might end up putting on more weight though! But it is definitely nice to have asian food seasoning around. I bring some with me when i go visit german friends and they will come in handy when we whip something up together.. It is always nice! Ang mos love chinese food by the way! haha..

Jap moisturiser, shower sponge, erasable pen, cajun spices and panadol..... Apparently the moisturiser does wonders and i hope it does! Thanks mummy for that! Meimei intro one=) Used the erasable pen once on my way to Switzerland when the conductor did not check my ticket on my way there.. Not sure if I will be able to finish using all the day pass before it expires end of sept... Cajun spices from Nic's mum was left in Spore previously coz of excess luggage... It has finally arrived! I might need less of the pink panadols now that I got a rubber hot waterbottle for stomach free from some people who were moving out=) Excitment over free stuff was never so immense!

A nice gift from nicolas for 21st bdae and 3 years anniversary! Thanks heaps! It was starring cutely as me as I slowly untie the knobs=)

Thanks for the Singapore-Uniquely Singapore postcards! Reading da book made me tear... It touched me.. Thanks!

Thanks mei for the pretty clothes!! very nice! Wearing them more now before winter comes! Thanks for ya postcards also!! v nice!! They are hall hanging on my wall!!

Diana and I went shopping last week as she needed to get a bdae present for a fren We chanced upon Oktober Fest traditional costumes in C & A(a departmental store) and we were in love with them.. The only problem was the price! The dress on the left cost 99euros and the top on the right 39euros! Madness right! But they are vv pretty!

Dont we look like twins? =) We will be doing German classes together at Bayer once every week for an hour! It wil be great fun for sure! We will rock the class inside out and upside down!

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