Journey Around the World: Stockholm, Sweden

Monday, April 27, 2009

Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm now reminds me of Erik Aberg, a good friend of Hans and I whom we got to know during Orientation at TUM. He did a semester of exchange at NUS last semester and he is indeed very open to new cultures and he thinks that Singlish is cool =) 

Stockholm is very pretty and somehow i get a little confused between Stockholm and Copenhagen due to slight similarity in the architectures and the huge amounts of water bodies surrounding the cities=)

Thanks Arif for your warm hospitality when we were in Stockholm. What a small world. His sister, Faharnah, used to be my classmate in TKGS and apparently she told Arif that I was very annoying! Haha... oh well...

Another of Yihan's freind and gf...

The old town of Stockholm with 2 pretty houses that stood out from the rest.

The Town Hall of Stockholm. We did a tour of the interior and got a better picture of the ideas and ideals of the architect when he was designing the Town hall. The Nobel Prize dinner is held in this town hall in Sweden every year.

Where parliment talks take place. Outsiders are welcomed for all sessions, promoting transparency etc... 

The two pillars, one round and smooth and the other with angulared edges, represents both sexes Male and Female. I reckon that the one with angulared edges represents women while we are more fussy and sophisticated while the man are usually easy going, hence explaining the smooth character ;)

The golden hall. The walls are made of glass, coated with a thin layer of gold.

Sushi + Asian food buffet...

It was quite disturbing seeing so many of such people carrying advertising boards for discounted meals everywhere. They merely stood there, listening to music or reading a boo. What a waste of human resources. It is a sad job!

More of the old town....

We were at the Nobel Museum and they had a cloak hanger which allowed us to lock up out coats. String the wire through the sleeves of your coat and finally locking it up on the hanger. What a smart innovation! It is not too sophisticated an innovation but has certainly brought heaps of convenience.

A theme park which is only opened in summer.

The Nordic Museum if i din remember wrongly...

Isnt this just pretty.. Blue sky, White cotton-like clouds, blue sea and picture perfect boats!

We also visited the Vasa Museum. The first swedish built ship sank after 20 minutes on its first voyage...

A cute 3-D Map of Germany... This part of Germany, HH is dedicated to Simon=)

This part of Germany, Frankfurt, reminded me of the times spent there, my internship and my dear friends in FFM.

Vasa which was dugged up after a few humdred years...

I learnt alot about photography and explored my own digital camera for the first under the guidiance of Hans! Steady hands is not a forte of Hans! This picture was the best after a million attempt.

At the Nordik Museum, we visited a "Fashion" exihibition.  Cotton takes up a lot of land area which could be used for crops cultivation to feed the world population.

The amount of chemicals and water needed for washing...

Huge amounts of water needed to irrigate cotton crops...

Alot of clothes are being recycled and thrown away each year.... What a waste! Maybe shopping is indeed a bad Habit!

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