Journey Around the World: New Home. Again.

Friday, April 3, 2009

New Home. Again.

Moving into Munich is like starting up a home from scratch again. Dun like this feeling anymore. It is not fun leading a normadic life. But this time round, it is less painful compared to Frankfurt coz friends are around to help, hear and suffer tght. But nevertheless, too many things going on makes me depress once more. Visa extension, luggage collection, looking for a bicycle, settling simple stuff like transportation, modules application for the new semester, looking for opportunities to continue badminton etc... even grocery shopping is a chore.. Having been through the "Frankfurt" period of my life, i know all these will be over soon and i will start enjoying when the routine comes. But still..... sigh... I need hugs... ... ...

The thought of going back home seems so appealing all of the sudden.. The thought of going back to my comfort zone, doing the things and seeing people that I am familiar with just feels so comforting.

Here's an update to my new address:

Frau Xiuqing Loke
Christoph- Probst Strasse 16, App 1028
80805 Munich

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