Journey Around the World: Barcelona 13-15dec 08. A Food Tour with Gaudi.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Barcelona 13-15dec 08. A Food Tour with Gaudi.

Barcelona was a really cool city. Nice architecture, artsy people and performances, great Paella and Tapas. Parents and nicolas were here to visit. It was different travelling with my parents this time round. I guess this was their first or second trip overseas without following a tour group. In the past, daddy used to be the coordinator whenever we travelled but things have changed now since we, the kids, have all grown up and became experts of travelling=) There were moments of agony and joy during the trip. On the whole, it was nice to see them again. A regular dosage of home, Singapore, is always very heart-warming. I also saw a different side to both my mum and dad during the trip. I admire my dad alot more now! I always had this image of a gentleman like that of Prof. Hugl-one who walks a little fast to get the door for the ladies, hold the lift, help his wife put on his coat etc. But after all the trips in Dez, I came to realise that my dad is a gentleman in his own ways, willingness to try new things, always putting things into perspective, reasonable, patient and never hot tempered etc.

One might say that it is super inconvenient to be travelling with parents, sharing the same room and starring into each other faces for 24hrs a day. It was not that bad! There were instances that we did things that we would not have done if my parents were not here. Like my dad's persuation of us eating at this restaurant-bar after we had lunch was the best decision ever. We had the most delicious of all Tapas that truely justified all the hype about it. They added entertainment as well.

Nicolas Welzl came up with this not too long ago:
That every badness is accompanied by some goodness.
And things that I don't really want to do are usually those that I learn the most from.

So back to Barcelona. We arrived by plane on Saturday and took a train to the city. There was a violin-playing basker on the train. (And a trombone playing one on our way back) We walked to our accomodation and I found out that they lost our booking. But this was to our delight as they offered us an upgrade to a private spanish apartment. How cool is that? So we walked even more down the main street of La Ramblas, which was lined by flower shops, exotic animal sellers, baskers from Pirates of the Caribbean to fairy god mothers to gorillas to monsters in a chest. And then there were artists selling paintings, dancers, souvenior shops, enticing spanish restaurants. So the air was filled with a festive song and we were in the middle of a fiesta. Nice.

We got to our apartment after dark. It wasn't whoa or anything, but I quite liked it. It was cosy and comfortable to have our private space on the 3rd floor up a narrow spiral stairway. I didn't mind staying in such an apartment if I was studying in Barcelona. Nice nice.

The Spanish Apartment

Park Guell by Gaudi. Gaudi is a cool guy! I like his works! They comprise mainly of curves with the use of ceramics of bright colours. I sense freedom and unrestrictiveness in his works.

Gaudi's lizard

La Sagrada Familia. The Cathedral that will never be completed. Lame.

Another cool architecture in the middle of the city!

Gaudi's lampost. Felt quite retarded finding our way here just to see a lamppost. Almost lost our way. Oh well, wanted to see all his works and styles.

Many many spanish postcards

Paella Marina

Tapas: Sardine

Tapas: Small fried fish

More Tapas


The real Tapas Bar

Bread with Tomato paste and olive oil, egg pancake with zucchini

Octopus with olive oil. Yum!

La Ramblas: The happening street

This guy was damn good. His expression was so real. He looked so lonely and sad.

These 2 cute meows meows are dedicated specially to Meimei! Study hard for ya exams! No stress! Nicolas is always on the end of the SOS line=) Hugz! Miss ya!!

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