Journey Around the World: Dear Lileng

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dear Lileng

Happy 23rd Bdae to you!

Finally I am done with Exams! I am more excited to be done with exams than uni. Uni was fun and I experienced alot during this period of time. Glad that I am gonna have a good break till Sept when NIE starts. Looking forward to another year of education at NTU=) It has been a long time since I have gone to town and walk till legs broke! It was nice! Looking forward to going ECP, Botanical gardens and Blue Jazz=)

We were like tourists, exploring the helix bridge, taking photos and exclaiming at the beautiful architecture. I find it amazing and slightly scary at the same time, witnessing how Singapore changed over the years I have existed. It must have been even more breath taking for people who have witness the development of Singapore since independence.

These lights were found on the walk way on the Helix bridge. I was wondering what it was until Lileng mentioned that they were the DNA pairs! A&T and C&G !

These colourful Honey-comb changes colour and it is really pretty at night. Happy that my camera managed to take decent pictures even at night! =)

Align Center
Marina Bay Scent Hotel. It was tiring walking from tower one to tower3, especially after having walked around for 2hrs before that. We were delighted went we saw the exit but our hearts sank and jaw dropped wide open when we saw that the exit at Tower3 was not in use. We had to walk back to Tower1. Good company pulled us through=)

A model giving the overview of the whole marina bay area.

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