Journey Around the World: May 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

New found relationships

Travelled to Stuttgart and back on Carpool with strangers... Mitfahregelegenheit it is called. Paid ~12euros for each way.. It is a good way of travelling I must say.

Visit nic's dad at Stuutgart. He's working there for 2 mths before returning. Guess what. Nic just met his Aunt(dad's sis) thrice till now- 1st when he was 2yrs old and twice recently. He met his cousin for the first time together with me when were there! It was lovely! We spent a typical German Saturday afternoon together-Salad, Swaebisches Lunch(Meat Loaf, potato salad, Spaetzle, Bier, cake and coffee. All ended at ~ 6 pm- 7pm and we were full to the brim.

Conversations were good- ranging from personal/individual to global topics...

Hope to meet again=) New found relatives and relationships.

France, Côte d’Azur

Nice, Cannes and Monaco in France was really nice. It was nice to meet Sami and his friend Erik when we were there=) Breakfasting in the sun with good views+self-made baguettes, walking by the blue blue beaches, having lots of sunshine(unlike in germany now!), strolling through old old towns...

Cannes was my favourite coz it was less touristy, nicer old town and also Mussels+Pommes+white wine was fabulous at the traditional restaurant! It was an enjoyment!

Blue blue water at Cannes. Walked a long way to find a comfy place to sit for breakfast;)

Sami was more into the Asian "Twist"! He loved it!

Monaco was really fancy, luxurious Autos speed through the city, expensive private yatches layed the banks, not mentioning the high-end shops and casinos!

Us at the peak with a panoramic view of the city!

The narrow street in the old town of Nice

The countless Baguettes and Pain au Chocolat that we had! Yummy!


Picture from my Hp camera.. not bad eh!

More Fotos on facebook:!/photos.php?id=516817435

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Munich revisit=)

Dubai Airport

Arrived in Munich after 17hrs of flying, transiting, sleeping, eating, waiting.... Emirates in flight entertainment is good=) Flew from Singapore-Dubai (7hrs + 3hrs transiting) followed by Dubai-Munich (6hrs). I slept quite a lot but it was no quality sleep. Tired.

My source of entertainment. Bought this cross-stitch when I first moved into the condo at Katong 3yrs ago but nv got down to completing it. Hope to finish it before the opening of the Backpackers hostel in July =) It is a "Welcome" sign for the door=)

Customised Brownie. Yummy..

Managed to rest before going for Stammtisch-gathering where exchange students prepared food. It was North American and brazilian food this time round. It was new to know that North American cuisine does not just revolved around burgers, hotdog and fries.. They had meat with chilli,chocolate and cheese (all in one) , beans stuff etc... it was alright but din really like it...

It is nice coming back again as a tourist/exchange student without school workload-just the parties and meeting people part/unemployed/FREE person =) Cold dry air blowing into the face, cruising on my bicycle to the Supermarket, eating Ice cream in the Freising old town while window shopping....

Nic's pretty "garden" in his balcony ;)

Only thing on my to-do-list is to study for my Testdaf on 8th June and thinking about what to cook everyday=) Fun! Life of a tai-tai (except that I am not rich)... haha....

Beethoven Virus

Kang Gun Woo is an orchestra conductor in his 40’s. He is an elite workaholic conductor who has a very bad reputation. He is known as someone who will do absolutely anything in order to create the very best music. However, due to his self-righteous and stubborn personality he thinks that only his thoughts are correct which makes him unable to form good relationships with those around him. He meets Du Ru Mi, a violinist, and a trumpet player who has the same name as him, and together they form a love triangle. The trumpet player is a music genius who aspires to become a conductor. His style is totally different and he emphasis the process more than the results, believing in bringing happiness through music.

Really like this guy=)

Life chose me and I chose happiness. Striving towards our dreams with passion.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Exploring Singapore

The eventful stay started at noon, when Yihan, Guangyi and I went for Lunch at Chinatown (People's Park Complex) and went hunting around for Table liners that I wanted to get. I saw it during CNY but it was too crowded and I din not get them. We sat down for Kopi/Teh and I had the worse Teh ever. I made the waitress replace yihan's and my Teh. The second attempt was slightly better but it was no where near drinkable. "It was just the wrong combination of everything. The tea, milk and sweetener". Was tempted to not pay but we did. Yihan even tipped them! Boo... GY went for German Bratwurst and the Austrian boss was no where near friendly. I managed to speak a few sentence to him in German went I picked up his falling menu/price display. Wad a disappointment. Germans and Austrians are usually way friendlier. Has he been Singapore-fied and lost his "roots"?! nvm... We explored a lavish, air-coned temple near Smith Str and it was amazing. Apparently million of dollars were spent building the temple. "Doesnt that just contradicts the principles of religions sometime. Imagine what other good the money could be used for."

Roof Garden

Hans and Guangyi

We moved on to visit Goethe Institute at Penang Road. It was all quiet. The library, which was the size of a classroom, was empty. Wad a pity. Yihan and I wanted to look for some great German film there but we only saw old old films! Saw a poster of the Film "Ein Teil von mir". Will check out this film. GY says that its nice=) I browsed through German magazines while GY chanced upon this book below:

We had a good laugh coz it was Hans and Guangyi's book. Yihan's nic name was HANS and Guangyi's surname was KUNG! haha... Does god exist?

This was at some MRT station=)

We proceeded to explore 313 @ Somerset-GY's favourite shopping centre. It was quite nice on the inside. They had a sitting area with cushion etc and it was nice. I feel that sitting space is something that is lacking in Singapore compared to Germany. Nice to know that 313 has made improvement in this area. The no. of guys sitting is larger than the number of gals-maybe coz the gals are all in the shop while the guys wait patiently =) That's only my speculation though. Han seconded that!

Orchard central (beside 313) was a slight mess and the escalators telepot us from level 1 to level 3 at one go! haha.. It was a long ride..

I bought plates from Robinsons and a huge bowl from Tangs for Liquid Chocolate yesterday. I love the "Kitchen" section and was glad that I could buy something and put it to good use. A lady behind us in the Cashier queue was very nice. She offered to help me pay with the Robinsons discount card when she heard me telling the cashier that I had no discount card. That was such a rare sight. Nice Singaporeans still exist! Let's make Singapore a better and warmer place. =)

It was very nice to have time in our hands, exploring Singapore/our surrounding and hanging out with friends. Waffer Ice cream from the push cart , lepaking on some bench and listening to life guitar music from a bar along Orchard road was something that I have not done in a long long while. I am gonna make good use of time till september to LIVE.

Marcus recommended some other areas to explore. "When you see old shophouses, just walk".
Tanglin, thomson, chinatown, boat quay, newton, alexandra..... :) Oh and I wanna go Potong Pasir and explore that area too!

Monday, May 10, 2010

NUS Faculty of Science Student Profile

Check out my student profile @ FOS NUS website =)

Happy day

Today was a happy happy day. No plans. Clearing my room and making a trip down to Paya Lebar to have a photo taken for MOE were the only ones on the agenda. It turned out to be eventful. All would have been better if I havnt got a flu. Nose became hyper active and was running non-stop!

Photo taking was swift and I was back by noon. Went for lunch with parents and had great prawn mee!

Jane managed to help me get Newater for Michael from her school and she went through quite a bit of walking up and down to locate it! Thanks for the trouble. Appreciate it=) Met her at Marine Parade Polyclinic coz she was there to get a referral for her hearing problem. I accompanied her coz I was free! I really felt free and had a say over how I wanna spend my time. That felt great! Great! We went for some shaved ice at 32 degrees Fahrenheit and it was really nice! Nic, I must bring you there when you are back. You will love it! Chit chatting was great! Jane asked, if you were rich now, what do you wanna be rich for? I said, I would wanna be rich for Liquid Chocolate. On second thought, I just want Liquid Chocolate to do well-I consider its currently sales/rental volume as satisfactory and I am really happy with it and the sense of satisfaction is there because something I "created" is working=) But this will always remain a sideline thing as I cannot imagine doing Liquid Chocolate full time. I need to do something meaningful and purposeful to keep me alive and for now, I think that is teaching. Liquid Chocolate is like a hobby just like climbing and badminton. Dun think I can do them full time. I wanna be rich for something meaningful. But the irony is that teachers can never get rich. Haha...

I made some progress with packing my room and am planning to keep up with it and hope to finish packing before I head off to Germany. May the dust in my room go easy on my nose. *drowsy and tired*

Daniel called to meet up! Off we went to ice cream chef! It was nice as usual. I hope I get to enjoy teaching, have nice colleagues that will help one another and greet each other good morning along the corridors coz I love that in Germany! Is the influx of foreign immigrants a reason for the lack of rootedness that Singaporeans have for Singapore? My reason for wanting to leave(if the desire is ever strong enuff), would not be the influx of foreigners but because I want to live life differently, want to have a greater emphasis on quality of life, liking the German culture etc..

10:30pm onwards was spent meeting renfu and yixin at Tamp Ave 4 Blk802, coincidentally opposite Likeng's flat. He joined us for ice cream and we hanged out at the void deck after the ice cream shop closed. Renfu made interesting balloons for yixin.

On yixin's left hand was my flower bookmark to her, on her right hand was marcus flower to her (immitation of the flower I gave!). The rabbit was a copy of yx's t-shirt design. Cool right=)

Other works from Marcus:

Complicated "heart" from marcus. Dino, my ipod holder, wanted a picture with hearty=)

A bear was floating in the Balloon =) The white part got frosty after a day and it looked snowy. Beary probably enjoyed skiing in the Alps;)

Lunch with Zhen andMarcus during my final sem! =)

Zhen was moody. So here's a cap to cheer her up since her hands were full with other balloons from marcus=)

THE Balloon Sculpture @ Work!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Shining Inheritance

This drama was good=) The 2 characters on the left are my favourite. Look at how pretty the gal is with long hair below. Incredible! The guy in white coat is the nice, kind, charismatic guy=) He looks god and dresses well=)

Go Eun Sung’s(my fav female character) life is similar to Cinderella’s. After her father died, her step-mother, took away all of her assets and her younger brother suddenly disappears without a trace. Despite this, Eun Sung preservers and works really hard to fulfill her dreams. When the CEO of a food company, suffers amnesia and can’t remember who she is Eun Sung takes her in. However, Eun Sung does not know that she is the grandmother of Sun Woo Hwan(guy on extreme right), the man who she switched bags with at the airport. How will their constant bickering lead them to realize that they care more about each other than they let on?

Looking around for nice dramas to watch. East of Eden is long and has a boring beginning and I feel like giving up!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dear Lileng

Happy 23rd Bdae to you!

Finally I am done with Exams! I am more excited to be done with exams than uni. Uni was fun and I experienced alot during this period of time. Glad that I am gonna have a good break till Sept when NIE starts. Looking forward to another year of education at NTU=) It has been a long time since I have gone to town and walk till legs broke! It was nice! Looking forward to going ECP, Botanical gardens and Blue Jazz=)

We were like tourists, exploring the helix bridge, taking photos and exclaiming at the beautiful architecture. I find it amazing and slightly scary at the same time, witnessing how Singapore changed over the years I have existed. It must have been even more breath taking for people who have witness the development of Singapore since independence.

These lights were found on the walk way on the Helix bridge. I was wondering what it was until Lileng mentioned that they were the DNA pairs! A&T and C&G !

These colourful Honey-comb changes colour and it is really pretty at night. Happy that my camera managed to take decent pictures even at night! =)

Align Center
Marina Bay Scent Hotel. It was tiring walking from tower one to tower3, especially after having walked around for 2hrs before that. We were delighted went we saw the exit but our hearts sank and jaw dropped wide open when we saw that the exit at Tower3 was not in use. We had to walk back to Tower1. Good company pulled us through=)

A model giving the overview of the whole marina bay area.