Journey Around the World: Workplace.'Home'.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Two nights ago, I received a very nice message from Nina and it really warmed my heart. It has always been a nice feeling knowing that your friends are always there for you. I guess it somehow became more significant when I am surviving on my own overseas, away from home, away from my comfort zone. It is indeed a very refreshing experience. It is nice to know that things are more or less falling into place for me=) Thank you “mei mei” for always helping me everyday=) LOVE YOU! =) Will miss you when you go Australia…. Will definitely go visit you and cook for you (as long as you wash up.. haha!)

At my workplace, I though it was nice that I got my own PC=) Bayer CropScience Building comprises of many many labs, and in the many many labs are fumehoods that you see in the photo. Nothing VERY exciting! For NOW,I am kinda looking forward to start doing experiments. It feels different from Uni coz now I am doing serious work for the industry. And also, I am tired of running around, settling my visa etc. People here work flexible hours. They just need to complete the number of hours and they leave=) I find it quite nice.. Most people come in at 7am and leave at 3plus=) not bad eh..

As for my room, I am amazed at its size, much larger than my TH room (2.5 times I think). My room is about 15 or 16 sq metres, and another 12sq metres for the toilet,corridor and cupboard. I am paying 317 Euros. Reasonable for Germany=) I know of another student staying in another block. She pays 370 Euros a mth! My blanket from IKEA is my most treasured asset now=)

I went to the town hall to register myself in the town that I am staying. It was about 25min walk away from work. The interior and exterior of the building was very nice. It made the whole process of doing admin work more enjoyable! It feels like in the movies=)

On Wed, I went to the “Immigration” to extend my visa. Was walking for about 1.5hrs or more before realizing that I am no where near my destination. I then decided to take the train and I was glad I did! I underestimated the distance on the map!

Yeah.. got my visa extension in one day.. quite surprising for German’s efficiency level=) But it last till end of March only.. need to apply again when I go munich=(

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