Journey Around the World: A New Friend Found

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A New Friend Found

Everyone say “Hello” to my new companion, my new friend found! Being with it brings me great joy even though it doesn’t answer questions that I post nor does it response to what I say=) Enjoy its company when I brought it out for a ride yesterday! A bicycle is really essential here to get around. Some random thoughts: I always wanted to capture a photo of an ang-mo gal wearing a nice dress and cycling a bicycle with big wheels along the nice cities of Germany but I was never close to accomplishing that. Was quite close in Munich during EURIP but my camera did not cooperate. Still keeping a lookout! All photographers out there, challenge yaself to this task! And send me the photos after that! Hahaha…. ;)

I got the bicycle free from the housemaster, Herr Gimpel, of my hostel yesterday. How nice of him to fix it up for me! Danke viel mals Herr Gimpel! Es war wirklich sehr nett von Ihnen! =) I am eagerly looking forward to cycling to work, to badminton trainings and to grocery shopping with it in the nice weather. I am hunting for /buying a bicycle lock and awaiting the “arrival” of a basket for my bicycle from Herr Gimpel.

Incidents like this make me believe/affirms my belief that “nice” people still exist in this world. I know that “nice” is a word which has been overly used. What I meant is that: In societies that are “money-driven”, it is nice to take comfort in the fact that there are people around who do things/help without ulterior motives or expecting anything in return, going beyond that and finding the true meaning in life! This becomes more significant coz I don’t know him at all! He is very fatherly=)

Hmmz.. actually the weather is getting really cold nowadays, with rather frequent rains. Rain here is different from back home. Light rain. Cold. Over in a while. It gets really annoying coz I feel myself literally freezing in the rain! I need to increase my threshold for the cold if not I am almost 100% certain that I will die in winter. You will find me cuddling under my blanket all day! *Hibernation Mode*Despite my fear for the cold, I am actually looking forward to experiencing the four seasons in Germany! It will be an interesting experience! I can already see myself building heaps and heaps of snowmans! Anyone who is interested, feel free to come and visit me! My first was in the US and that was also the last till now=) But that wont be the last in this lifetime of mine=)

Here’s a picture of my Keller-cold and huge. Can probably accommodate 2 or 3 visitors for the night=) All genders and age groups are welcome! Believe or not, everyone has a PRIVATE Keller! Havnt used it though, too troublesome=)

-Happiness is not how much you have but your capacity to enjoy what you have-

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