Journey Around the World: Farewell

Monday, March 16, 2009


Signs of Spring approaching are showing! Grasslands that used to be bare or green are becoming colourful when random flowers or various colours start sprouting! Changes in seasons brings a kind of unspoken joy, noticing the changes in nature-colours of flowers, sun setting later in the evening (ability to watch beautiful sun setting when walking home from work everyday)... I like four seasons =)

5th of March marked my last day in Frankfurt-leaving all that I am accustomed to, my Badminton friends and close friends from hostel and work and collegues. Time spent is Frankfurt was fruitful, enjoyable and unforgettable. Moni, Badminton Captain for the club, organised a farewell dinner at an Indian Restaurant. It was indeed very sweet of them all! Kalee, the Badminton coach, was nice to invite me to dinner. It was a joy and pleasure to be able to participate is all their competitions! Thanks Moni for for the lovely presents (Höchst AG socks and a map of FFM) and the lovely roses with shuttlecocks!

I was so touched when i recived the flowers! It reminded me of the million flowers that nic folded for me! They are precious to me! It also reminded me of the sunflower that Zhebin got me when i was hospitalised for an operation. =)

Tondoori Chciken! Yummy!


Peate, Andreas, me, Martina, Moni (Clockwise from the left)

Farewell with the fellow close friends from Bayer was really nice but sad. Saying goodbye was never my forte and it is always accompanied by tears be it bidding goodbye to my collegues at work or close friends that I have made. Diana and Estella have impacted me alot and the times shared, conversations had and good company on weekends and lunch breaks will never be forgotten. ~hugz~ Thanks for mothering me and always rendering advices for any problems that i have and had =)

The Ginormous Burgers that Estella and Rafa shared

I wont forget you Hausfrau. Will miss yoU!Keep me posted and always feel free to call and talk!

A big Thank you to all you guys(Laura, Nicolas, Simon, Jo, Diana, Estella, Rafa and Abi) for the farewell and the lovely Photo Album with sweet messages. Appreciate them heaps ;)

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