Journey Around the World: Exploration of the North Island in New Zealand

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Exploration of the North Island in New Zealand

New Zealand is indeed travellers Mecca! It is just so amazing to know that a place like NZ exist-where people travel mostly for at least half a year to one year (mostly alone), travellers-friendly(NZ has a tourist information in every town), awesome scenery, landscapes(mostly for free) and travelling atmosphere, met so many people at the various cosy backpackers!I am learning so much from interactions and conversation here. University, internship and exchange all seems so far away even though they are approaching real soon. I will definitely visit NZ again some day-there is so much beauty to discover in NZ.


Huka Falls-awesome waterfall... It was breathtaking!

Orakei Korako- Active thermal area in NZ! Mud pools, geyser and hot springs were spectacular!

Cascade Terrace- A classic thermal terrace formed from limestone where boiling water flowing out has left mineral deposits in bright colours.

Aladdin's Cave- It is a deep cave where we had our picnic with bread and ham=) It has a hot water pool at the bottom and native punga ferns growing at the entrance. That's Nicolas Hunkeler, me and Nicolas Welzl=) Travelled together with Nicolas.H for a few days and he was great company. We had heaps of fun and great times tght! Went around with his car and managed to see nice stuff by the coast and drive just beside the coast.

Sky Diving in NZ was hell of an experience. It was a great ONCE in a life time experience. Never gonna do it again! Fear and excitement built up when the plane ascended to the 12000 feet. Hell broke lose when the doors of the helicopter sprang open and strong wind gushed into the plane. The dive master pushed me towards the doors though I tried to resist. I was hoping that I dont crash into the wings of the helicopter looking at how strong the wind was. Before I knew it, I fell out of the plane unknowingly with the help of the dive master who was attached to me. I instinctively struggled violently as I fell out of the plane. My hands were swinging in all directions like what we normally see in movies. It felt like I was dropping from some freaking high building. The first few seconds off the plane was hell. Soon after, I was cruising comfortably and was constantly trying to gain composure so that I could admire the nice scenery. We were blessed with good weather and the view was good. Meanwhile, I started getting motion sickness coz the dive master kept rotating the parachute clockwise and anticlockwise CONTINUOUSLY so that I could get a good 360 degrees view. Landing was quite fun. My leg became jelly and I felt giddy after landing safely. Apparently some people landed in some lake a while ago! Felt unwell for the next few days with slight fever, vomitting and cough.... Very cui hor you muz be thinking=) haha... I think I am quite brave considering the fact that I hate roller coasters! Sky diving was my 21st birthday present frm Nicolas. Vielen Dank!

I will upload the sky diving video when I get it=)

This crazy guy paid to jump off a platform without screaming....I was screaming when I took a video for him. This is definitely much scarier than sky diving.

Tongariro Crossing- Some super xiong hike that Nicolas did. I was recuperating in bed after sky diving. The Emerald Lake was very very nice according to nic=)

Random nice sunset!

Bestmates living in harmony at Joanne's place. The kitten is just like a little kid, curious about everything, never say die, jumps very high, self-entertaining, gets excited with strings=)Thanks for putting us up at Wellington!

Kairua Park-Obsession with bright red autum leaves! Would have been nicer if I cld have taken more picts with nic but he's always the photographer so i usually appear in photos. This doesnt say much about my photography skills ehy(Kiwi slang)...

Fallen Beauty-Most of the shot were taken by nic. I contribute ideas occasionaly=)

Ideal Uni lepak place=)

Nic felt that this would be a nice CD album cover pict- unfortunately i cant sing! Even the play grounds in NZ look so special=)

St Faith's Anglican Church

Maori carvings