Journey Around the World: 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A casual catch up which was nice!

Highlight of the day! Shaves ice that just melts in ur mouth instantaneously!

Lileng's sis in law is pregnant too! We talk about babies, folded baby clothes, chatted, sit around and ate! Was a nice day spent tght! Hugz!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Water issue. Crucial Issue.

I have always been amazed at Singapore's ability to overcome our constrains, especially in the area of water and space constrains. I felt so proud when reading papers regarding Singapore being almost self-sufficient in our water supply in 2060.

Here are some interesting facts:
- We have 2 water agreement with Malaysia. One just expired and will not be renewed. Another will expire in 2061.
-NeWater and desalinated water now meet 40% of our water consumption. We plan to double it to 80% in 2060. (i.e 1 year before the water agreement with Malaysia expires!)
- 90% of Singapore will become a catchment area with 17 reservoirs, extensive network of drains and canals by next year.
-Water from desalination requires alot of energy and it cost 100times more than buying water from across the causeway(Malaysia)!
- Each individual currently consume ~ 155L of water daily!
-Research to cut down desalination's energy consumption will be carried out.

" Water is a critical resource without which the city cannot survive-let alone grow."

This reminded me of the conversation with Michael in Nic's Kitchen. "Germany has so much water. Maybe every German should send Singapore 1L of water every year!"

82.1 Million Germans- 82.1 Million L of water. This amount of water is sufficient for 1.4 Million of Singapore's population for one year.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Deutsche Welle-My Munich!

Here is the final product of the one-day filming at Munich. I was really shy in front of the camera. Dunno why. I would rather talk to stranger than to a camera. All comments made were spontaneous-some lame, some with errors... it was funny.. not knowing what to expect, wondering what to say etc... Hope you enjoy the video ;) Nic and I had a great laugh when we heard and saw ourselves for the first time.. our voices sounded strange and we felt that we look weird on tv somehow..

PS: I din know that my voice actually sound so low to others!

Catch me on German TV-Travel Magazine: My Munich ;)

English Version:,,5680740_type_video_struct_9822_contentId_5636884,00.html

German Version:,,5679464_type_video_struct_9820_contentId_5636888,00.html,2692,9820,00.html
Justify Full

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cook the day away

Manage to pick up my favourite hobby when I am here in Munich again- Cooking and Baking! I have so much time to cook and it is really fun! I look forward to it everyday. Especially when there is someone to finish all the food! Thanks Nic=)

Here just a glimpse of some stuff=) :

1. Thai Green Curry Fried Rice with Egg 2. Cream Spaghetti with Salmon and Olives

3. Stir Fry Spaghetti with assorted Veg 4.Tortellini with Grilled Zukini

5. Baked Cream Pasta with Crispy Paprika/Pepper Grilled Chicken

6. Assorted Veg Fried Rice with Honey Mustard Grilled Chicken

7. Wholewheat Thin Crust Pizza with Mozzarella, Paprika, Mushrooms and Basil
(Self-made crust+pizza sauce!)

8. Wholewheat Biscotti with Almonds, Dark Chocolate Chips and Milk Chocolate.

The word Biscotti originates from the medieval Latin word biscoctus, meaning "twice-cooked/baked": it defined oven baked goods that were baked twice, so they were very dry and could be stored for long periods of time. The Biscotti that I made was indeed baked twice, cooled and individually wrapped to give friends=)

9. Apple Strudel with Apple+Peaches

10. Honey Coated Muesli with Nuts, dried Fruits and Chocolate(Milk+Dark)

11. Self-made Sushi for our Picnic in Munich. Tuna, Egg, Zukini, Paprika, Smoked Salmon, Turkey breast and Rucola(my favourite Salad!)

Rucola, my fav Salad, which has a nutty after taste. I am trying to get buy the seed and grow them in Singapore! Would love to have a WHOLE Field of Rucola! haha... Yummy!

12. Panini with French Baguette, Cheese, eggs, Grilled Zukini and grilled Tomatoes.

13. Fried Rice with freshly baked potatoe slices 14. Pasta topped with molten fresh mozzarella

15. Pan grilled sides with stir fried pasta 16. Teriyaki grilled platter-Paprika, Spring Onions, Zucchini, Chicken and mushrooms

17. Noodles with turkey breast, goat cheese and stuffed tomato

18. Semi Vegetarian Meal(expect the drumplets) 19. Stri Fried Tortellini with Salami+Wurst

20. Farewell Dinner with nic's neighbours. Mixed of molten cheese on baked bread! Typical swiss;)

End of Food Journey..

Marbach, Stuttgart

Nic's dad stayed at Marbach in Stuttgart and we went to the Markt to get flowers for his sis and nic's cousin before heading to their place for lunch. I think it is very important to bring something along when you go to a friend's place etc.. This is something that is lacking in Asian's Culture.

We havnt got any pictures of the extended family coz Nic left the battery of his Nikon at Munich and my super handphone camera ran out of battery after these 3shots. Will get them from his dad or cousin when the time comes I guess ;)

The pretty Flower Market!

Self selected assortment of Flowers for his Sister ;) Aww...

Nic's dad, nic, Carmen(Nic's cousin) and me=) Was a nice LONG CHAT and LONG LUNCH! Typical German afternoon ;)

Carmen and her husband at the back. In front from left to right: nic's aunt, aunt's husband (Whose has the same name as nic's dad! Helmut!), Nic's dad. Nice people!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

New found relationships

Travelled to Stuttgart and back on Carpool with strangers... Mitfahregelegenheit it is called. Paid ~12euros for each way.. It is a good way of travelling I must say.

Visit nic's dad at Stuutgart. He's working there for 2 mths before returning. Guess what. Nic just met his Aunt(dad's sis) thrice till now- 1st when he was 2yrs old and twice recently. He met his cousin for the first time together with me when were there! It was lovely! We spent a typical German Saturday afternoon together-Salad, Swaebisches Lunch(Meat Loaf, potato salad, Spaetzle, Bier, cake and coffee. All ended at ~ 6 pm- 7pm and we were full to the brim.

Conversations were good- ranging from personal/individual to global topics...

Hope to meet again=) New found relatives and relationships.

France, Côte d’Azur

Nice, Cannes and Monaco in France was really nice. It was nice to meet Sami and his friend Erik when we were there=) Breakfasting in the sun with good views+self-made baguettes, walking by the blue blue beaches, having lots of sunshine(unlike in germany now!), strolling through old old towns...

Cannes was my favourite coz it was less touristy, nicer old town and also Mussels+Pommes+white wine was fabulous at the traditional restaurant! It was an enjoyment!

Blue blue water at Cannes. Walked a long way to find a comfy place to sit for breakfast;)

Sami was more into the Asian "Twist"! He loved it!

Monaco was really fancy, luxurious Autos speed through the city, expensive private yatches layed the banks, not mentioning the high-end shops and casinos!

Us at the peak with a panoramic view of the city!

The narrow street in the old town of Nice

The countless Baguettes and Pain au Chocolat that we had! Yummy!


Picture from my Hp camera.. not bad eh!

More Fotos on facebook:!/photos.php?id=516817435

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Munich revisit=)

Dubai Airport

Arrived in Munich after 17hrs of flying, transiting, sleeping, eating, waiting.... Emirates in flight entertainment is good=) Flew from Singapore-Dubai (7hrs + 3hrs transiting) followed by Dubai-Munich (6hrs). I slept quite a lot but it was no quality sleep. Tired.

My source of entertainment. Bought this cross-stitch when I first moved into the condo at Katong 3yrs ago but nv got down to completing it. Hope to finish it before the opening of the Backpackers hostel in July =) It is a "Welcome" sign for the door=)

Customised Brownie. Yummy..

Managed to rest before going for Stammtisch-gathering where exchange students prepared food. It was North American and brazilian food this time round. It was new to know that North American cuisine does not just revolved around burgers, hotdog and fries.. They had meat with chilli,chocolate and cheese (all in one) , beans stuff etc... it was alright but din really like it...

It is nice coming back again as a tourist/exchange student without school workload-just the parties and meeting people part/unemployed/FREE person =) Cold dry air blowing into the face, cruising on my bicycle to the Supermarket, eating Ice cream in the Freising old town while window shopping....

Nic's pretty "garden" in his balcony ;)

Only thing on my to-do-list is to study for my Testdaf on 8th June and thinking about what to cook everyday=) Fun! Life of a tai-tai (except that I am not rich)... haha....

Beethoven Virus

Kang Gun Woo is an orchestra conductor in his 40’s. He is an elite workaholic conductor who has a very bad reputation. He is known as someone who will do absolutely anything in order to create the very best music. However, due to his self-righteous and stubborn personality he thinks that only his thoughts are correct which makes him unable to form good relationships with those around him. He meets Du Ru Mi, a violinist, and a trumpet player who has the same name as him, and together they form a love triangle. The trumpet player is a music genius who aspires to become a conductor. His style is totally different and he emphasis the process more than the results, believing in bringing happiness through music.

Really like this guy=)

Life chose me and I chose happiness. Striving towards our dreams with passion.