Journey Around the World: November 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Goodbye Sammi

Hey Sammi,

It was really nice knowing you and doing all da stuff together-Fondue Party, Night Safari, Cray Fish party, Chicken adventure at Shears and many other adventures! I am sure you had a great time here with all the parties especially=) Ladies' Night will be miss-I know! =)

Have a safe trip back and all the best for ya future endeavors and exchange in France. See you there next Summer! You owe us a MEAL! You cant run away! Haha..

I thank you for your friendship.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Reinhard Mey

He is so expressive. Damn nice. Hope those who understand can appreciate it! =) Enjoy!

Schnappi! My Fav Song

My favourite Children song that my little sister first sang me was "Schnappi" and it is originally a German song. Just found out recently! How cool is that! For those who are interested in the lyrics:

Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil.
Komm aus Agypten, das liegt direkt am Nil.
Zuerst lag ich in einem Ei,
dann schni-,schna-,schnappte ich mich frei

Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp
Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil,
hab scharfe Zähne, und davon ganz schön viel.
Ich schnapp mir was ich schnappen kann,
ja ich schnapp zu, weil ich das so gut kann.

Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp
Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil,
ich schnappe gern, das ist mein Lieblingsspiel.
Ich schleich mich an die Mama ran,
und zeig ihr wie ich schnappen kann

Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp
Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

Ich bin Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil,
und vom Schnappen, da krieg ich nicht zu viel.
Ich beiß dem Papi kurz ins Bein,
und dann, dann schlaf ich einfach ein.

Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp (schnapp!)
Schni Schna Schnappi (ja!)
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp (schnapp!)
Schni Schna Schnappi (mhmm!)
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp (ja!)
Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi (hmm) Schnappi Schnapp

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Party beim Deutsch Unterricht

Pizza war toll mit lekeren schokolade Brownie! Bis nächstes Semester beim Deutsch 6=)

Friday, November 20, 2009

AMC German Technology

"Eat Better, Live Better" is their slogan. Waterless, fat-free cookware. Costly. Cost a BoMb- typical German! Lifetime warranty- this is so typical German too. They probably make stuff that can last a lifetime. Sometimes you may wish that the furniture that you buy will give way so that new and fashionable furniture can take the place of old, out-of-fashioned furniture=)

Mummy bought a whole set of this expensive cookware which i strongly objected to but it is starting to amaze me. Mum cooked with no oil, made popcorn and pizza, porridge, cake etc are on the to-try list! Popcorn was good. Movies anytime!

For those who are interested, can contact me=) my mum even conducts demo classes!

Health is something that is worth investing and cannot be measured in monetary value.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Loving you a Thousand times!

I so wanna learn Korean! Spanish still stands in the queue, awaiting a chance at communication. My lifetime would probably be long enough to master the language eh! hmmz... since when did I get really interested in languages! They are simply beautiful, expressing same things in different ways.. Really good for gossiping in a "secret language" too!

I've been recently hooked to "Loving you a thousand times".. It set me thinking when a kind-hearted, pretty, sweet, considerate gal decides to be undergo surrogacy to help someone else conceive a child so that she gets enough money to buy a kidney from a suitable donor and pay for the operation fees. How filial.. It made me wonder if I would do that for me parents. I will! I will do anything to save them!

Supper with Shears Auntie Ashleys' famous apple grilled chicken with nachos cheese and fries was good! Glad that mum and dad were there! Joy was spreaded through food! hugz!