Journey Around the World: June 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Augsburg and Schloss Nymphenburg

Augsburg is a tiny tiny nice city, less hectic than Munich=) One of the oldest and well preserved cities in Bavaria. It was raining in the morning when I was there but it stopped after a few hours. Walking in the rain wet and cold is not fun at all!

Here is the oldest social accomodation built by The Fuggerei, some super rich person to home poor people.

Blue and white! Bavaria!

Schloss Nymphenburg in Munich... Have been here 3 times already but it is always very nice! Imagine taking wedding pictures here=)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The easter Rabbit from Simon's mum since easter! It has been sitting quietly and cutely at my table. But a few days ago, i realised that it will be expiring this mth! Dilemma: Eat it or not! I would like to leave it sitting on my table always! I hope mushrooms dun grow! If Champinions grow, I dun need to buy kilos of Chmapinions for mummy when i return to Spore!

Pretty snow ball from Vienna ;)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Highlight of my room ;)

My new bought plants! Left: Basilikum (basil?) for pasta and pizza and right: pretty flower!

They add live to my room and makes me VERY happy =p!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Asian Badminton Competition in Köln

Team Photo... Look at how long my hair is!

'人' 字形扣杀!!!

Ah Long from Thailand has Magical Footwork!

We are the Champions-The Mannheim Team! Victory was good. Team spirit reminded of the TKGS and TH days. I really missed them! I did not play as much games as i expected, was emotional and pissed for a while, but i did gain from everything in some ways or another-being part of the team, seeing how everyone contributed willingly and their passion for badminton.

Things did not turn out the way i expected. So ist das Leben! Made the best out of it!

Monday, June 1, 2009

More of Renate's Visit

Just got back from Badminton competition in Cologne with the Mannheim team and we emerged Champions. Met up w Renate for a short while while we were in mannheim and it was good though short.

Here are more pictures of her previous visit to Munich =)